Tag Archives: Getting selected

Getting selected for GSoC 2014

Even now I have a hard time believing that I was actually selected for GSoC. Regardless, I am in great joy that it actually happened.
I first got to know about SunPy whilst I was searching for an organisation that I could contribute after looking in the accepted groups under Python umbrella. I have an interest in astronomy, especially related to all the mysterious objects found in universe. But I hardly have any knowledge about all the technical details. Still I decided to contribute and make some connection with the people in SunPy.
Days passed and I learnt many new things, which I couldn’t have if it was not for people there. I started to realize the amazing capabilities of python and learnt so many new features about python. As GSoC came closer, they released the idea page and I immediately started researching about it. It took me atleast 20 days to prepare the proposal and finalize it.
Looking at other proposals, I realized I very less chance to actually make it, but fortunately because of the number of seats, I made it. Although me and one more student have been assigned the same project, but its probably better if we do different projects.