Monthly Archives: June 2014

Progress mid term

After a month into gsoc coding period, I have learnt many new things about python and git and also how OSS community work. This has been a great experience for me to work with people who are so willing to help a beginner! 
Currently I have created a PR to merge various files that has been quantified which includes:

1) sunpy/image/

2) sunpy/image/tests/

3) sunpy/instr/

4) sunpy/physics/transforms/

5) sunpy/physics/transforms/tests/

6) sunpy/sun/

7) sunpy/sun/tests/

8) sunpy/util/tests/ [will be removed soon]

9) sunpy/util/ [will be removed soon]

There were many roadblocks and mistakes that took consumed many hours but they were interesting. I messed up and pushed a error branch to master which could have deleted all my progress. I learnt the hard way that I should not mess with git without thinking! 

Also the spectra integration(which I have done, and i will create a PR soon) was quite tough to understand for me. On the bright side I learnt many new features of python going through that code! 
My next tasks would be to integrate maps and wcs with astropy. 

PR link

Progress/roadblocks after 2 weeks of coding

A compulsory post as instructed by the python umbrella. My project involves integrating the astropy.units into sunpy, which also means that I don’t have much to create something new. It involves understanding a module, its relation to other modules, and changing it accordingly with astropy.units. As I have mentioned in the last post, I have completed these three modules.

1) /sunpy/sun/

2) /sunpy/physics/transforms/

3) /sunpy/util/

I have also written their tests.

As for the roadblocks, I am facing quite a few now. Probably because I completed the easier part, and now comes the tougher part.

I now have to integrate classes, which are used in various other parts of SunPy. This makes it a little bit more ‘lengthy’ to figure out what changes should be made. I  plan to complete this integration part within the mid term evalution. Even if not, the wcs integration(the second part of my project) will be smaller in scale, so I should be able to make up for it.
As for what is left now is:

1) sunpy/image/

2) sunpy/spectra/

3) sunpy/spectra/

4) sunpy/map (I will do this at the end)

The biggest problem I face is that I have to read many lines of code, and from where they are imported from, to make out what it is really doing. Rather than building something new, I have to make improvements, which takes a lot of…reading.