Tag Archives: astropy

Coding period, beginning

Its been two days since the coding period began. I have started working on the integration of astropy units in Sun module, as I believe it will easier to start with, and to understand the codebase of SunPy. Also I plan to create some weekly, tasks for myself, to get things done and it will act as a deadline for me. These weekly tasks will include completing
certain number of modules for that week. I also hope that integrating the codebase, a certain number of modules which I should decide on, will serve as a good mid-term evalution goal for me.
As for now, I have(hopefully) completed the integration of sunpy.sun package. I have yet to add the necessary doc strings.
I have also started the sunpy.coords module integration.
Also in these coming two weeks I plan to complete the integration of:
sunpy.coords module

sunpy.map module

And if possible:
sunpy.spectra module

As for what I have done upto now, here are some links.
1) sun.py

2) test_sun.py

3) util.py

That is all I have done up until now. And the changes I have made, might not be the the best possible approach. So its highly likely that I will be changing it again as I go on learning about it.